Monday, August 17, 2009

It's too hot to run long....

Today was the first day of my new 7 month training plan in prep for the Aramco Half-Marathon and the Houston Rodeo Run 10k in January and February, respectively. I'm not making any major changes in the basic training approach as I will continue to focus on developing both my aerobic and lactate thresholds along with improving my maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 Max). However, I'm going to bump up my total volume of running and increase the distance of my long runs to 16.5 miles (hopefully).

I'm not too concerned with the increase weekly mileage, but the long runs are of a particular concern. With the warm weather, I've been struggling to when trying to run over about 8.5 miles. I tried to run 10.5 miles the other evening, but by the time I got to 7.5 miles I knew I was in trouble. Over the next two miles my place slowed from ~8 min/mile to ~9 min/mile. I stopped at 9.5 miles, as I didn't want the final mile to turn into a death march. I need to figure something out to combat the fluid loss I have through sweat. I can't wait for cooler temps!

Run Streak = 37 days

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