Saturday, December 5, 2009

Monitor Heart Rate

I recently invested some money in a heart rate monitor. I've never used one and I've heard mixed results from people on them. However, I have been curious to see what the practical purposes of it are and if it would be worth it to invest in several for my team.

So far I've done three runs using it.... all longer mileage runs. I've noticed on all three runs that my average percent of Max HR for the duration is 83-84%, which corresponds to about 75-80% of my VO2 Max. Which I would guess to be pretty accurate as I've always felt I run my mileage runs a little faster than most runners with similar PRs would, but still not quite at my Lactate Threshold. I'm still not sold though that this has many practical purposes when it actually comes to improving my running, rather it's just a tool for feedback about my running.

I'm mainly looking to use it on my VO2 Intervals and Intensive Tempo Intervals to help me determine the proper amount of recovery my tracking my heart rate. We'll see how it goes.

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