Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Mile PR

I've been hammering the miles lately and I've been feeling pretty good. At the present moment, I'm not having any extreme fatigue or exhaustion from running quite a bit more than usual.

Yesterday was my usual long, hard workout day. I went out to Forest Hills (two mile road loop through some neighborhoods) and decided to run a 10 Mile Fartlek. I used my heart rate monitor and the goal was to run for 8 minutes with my HR between 88-92% of it's max (corresponds to about 85% of my VO2 Max). I would then jog easy until my heart rate returned to about 75% of it's max (about 60% of my VO2 Max). I would then pick up the pace again and once my HR got back to 88% of it's max I would start my 8 minute hard segment.

I knew I was pretty fit, but I was having to run VERY hard to get my HR back up to 88%. I also noticed that it didn't' take long for my HR to drop to 75% of it's max (which is a sign of fitness, but it sucks because you don't get much of a break). Ultimately, I was running 8 minutes with my Avg HR at 90% of it's max and 3.5 minutes with my Avg HR at 80% of it's max. I ended up cover the 10 mile distance (including the time spent with my easy jogs) in 1:10:29.... 7:03/mile. Which is an unofficial 10 Mile PR. It is a hilly course and I was very pleased with how it went. I warmed up 2 miles and cooled down 2 mile to give me 14 for the day. Good Day!

Today, I ran 10.5 miles easy around town. This run would not have been significant, however, it put me over 2400 miles for 2009.... which was a goal I set for myself about 2 months ago.

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